Retail Jobs

Did you know that annual retail sales in the US are almost 5 trillion dollars? That’s a lot of shopping customers, and a lot of available jobs that involve working with those customers.

The retail industry is wide open in terms of both what you’d like to help sell, and whether you’d like to do it as a Store Manager, or a Product Buyer. The job application guides below can help to point you in the right direction.


Top 5 Job Positions in the Retail Industry

Cashiers and Sales Assistants

Cashiers and Sales Assistants interact directly with the buying public. They assist customers with product questions, help them locate store items, keep the store tidy and organized, and encourage in-store promotions.

Cashiers are also responsible for processing customer payments, and packing up purchases. Retail Cashiers and Sales Assistants generally earn about $9.80-10.50 per hour.

Stock Clerk

The Retail Stock Clerk is responsible for getting store products from the stock room to the store shelves. They receive and unpack goods, check for damaged or missing items, and often use electronic scanners to update store inventory.

Stock Clerks need good organizational skills to deal with inventory records and updates. Retail Stock Clerks earn an hourly wage of about $10.50.

Store Manager

Retail Store Managers often work evenings and weekends, to be on hand during peak shopping times. They hire, train, schedule, and supervise staff, deal with customer service issues, oversee inventory, and often help out on the sales floor.

Store Managers are also responsible for reaching store sales targets, and for helping to increase profits. Retail Store Managers make an average annual salary of about $38,000.

Visual Merchandiser

Visual Merchandisers are responsible for planning and setting up store displays, as well as product tables and shelving. They decide how to make merchandise more appealing to customers, and the best way to arrange it for shopping convenience.

Because their actual set up work is done outside store hours, Visual Merchandisers often work late in the evening, and for more than one store. Retail Visual Merchandisers earn about $30,000 annually.

Retail Buyer

Buyers are responsible for selecting the products their store customers will want to buy. They find reliable suppliers and negotiate prices, monitor customer demand and feedback, and predict future sales trends.

Retail Buyers spend a lot of time travelling to see suppliers, and attending trade events. Retail Buyers earn an average annual salary of about $58,000, depending on the type of product they buy.